Here are the links to a few other videos I worked on this winter:
First is a scene I worked on from "American Psycho" starring Christian Bale. This scene was shot for a UT Directing workshop, and was directed by Mathew Benavidez. We shot in a conference room on campus, and the production value is very low. The sound and lack of technical effort can be a bit distracting, but I would like to know what you thought of the performances of myself and my fellow actor, Dan. In the scene, "Bateman"(my character) has murdered a colleague and has effortlessly covered up the trail. A private investigator is hired by the family to dig up any clues. Althought the setting is pretty unsettling, it ends up playing as something like a comedy. Bateman lies through his teeth without batting an eye. Enjoy! Here is the link -- American Psycho. p.s. -- the sound is very low and it's silent until about 8 seconds in.
Second, I have a short film I worked on in November called "Where's Waldo?" In it, I play a deranged "Waldo" from the classic kids' books. We shot in a real graveyard, at a real carnival (they left it open after hours just for us), in an elementary school, and more! It's supposed to be campy/scary, so if you find yourself laughing out loud, that's okay! There is no dialogue because this was another "narrative" project where the story had to be told without words. The final cut suffers from haphazard editing, and ends up being too long. The result is that it seems to drag a bit. Also, the lead actress is director Geoff Allison's sister, because the real actress bailed the day before the shoot (apparently her fiance forbid her to kiss another actor on film!). She gives her most valiant effort, but it's obvious she's uncomfortable on camera. I appear about two minutes before the end running, laughing, disappearing, screaming, and hitting people with yard tools -- all the things I do best! Here is the link -- Where's Waldo? (note: make sure to view the video in original or double size. in "fit to screen" it looks grainy)