If you're interested in checking out our adventures in Mexico (away from the acting world) feel free to check out http://philipandjuliatravel.blogspot.com/ .

I have some new video, too. This is a scene from The Royal Tenenbaums. I shot it for a directing workshop with a UT student. If you're unfamiliar with the movie, my character, Richie, just checked himself out of the hospital after an attempted suicide. He's in love with Margot, but she's his adopted sister. Their love has never been realized because of the scandal it would cause. My nose is a bit stuffy at the beginning because I was recovering from a cold, but other than that I think the director, Parker Severns did a good job. If you ever liked building blanket forts as a kid, check it out! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UWQg1nOze_I